Kingdom Music

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by Tom Inglis 11 September, 2016

God doesn’t hide anything that we can’t find. He hides things for us to discover them, but we have to search thoroughly. The world’s most valuable minerals and gems are hidden in the earth and have to be dug up.


Every invention in the future is presently hidden until someone discovers it. Every key to bring you success in every area is freely available, but hidden until you find it (1 Corinthians 2:12). A Jewish ruler called Nicodemus came to see Jesus at night and asked him the question how a man can be born again when he was old. Jesus replied that he could not see the kingdom, meaning that he could not perceive it or understand it with any of the physical senses. He was telling him it was a real but invisible kingdom existing in the spirit realm and entrance into it was spiritual rebirth, being born from above (John 3:3-5, 1 Peter 1:23). Being born from above meant a radical way of thinking, from an earthly perspective to a heavenly one so that heaven could literally manifest on earth through kingdom citizens; those who had renewed their mind with God’s Word and operate in the power of the Holy Spirit. God has a purpose for His Kingdom. God has not saved us just to escape hell but to enjoy the privileges of living in the Kingdom and manifesting the principles of the Kingdom here on earth. When we discover the kingdom and operate as kingdom citizens, the world will be impacted by the staggering love and power it offers.

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. (Matthew 6:33)


Jesus only had one message. It was ‘seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness’. This was the passion, priority and purpose of his existence for coming to earth (Luke 4:43). He preached it at the beginning, throughout and at the end of his ministry. Even after his resurrection appearance to his disciples for 40 days, he preached the message of the Kingdom (Acts 1:3). He wanted those who followed him to know God’s purpose in sending him to the earth. It was to reveal the Kingdom, how it works, and to release the authority it offers to its kingdom citizens. It’s not coincidental that the last message the Apostle Paul preached was also about the kingdom (Acts 28:30-31). The King has appointed his citizens to expand his Kingdom and he makes all of heaven’s resources available to back up their actions. The Bible say’s that you are seated in heavenly places, meaning that you see things from a heavenly perspective although you live on earth (Ephesians 2:6). The kingdom of God offers a relationship of intimacy with the King and a place of authority over the enemy (Luke 10:19). When we grasp hold of this knowledge everything changes and becomes subject to our God given authority to bring glory and honour to him. Our worship is directly proportional to our revelation of His authority. If we think God is weak, our worship will reflect it, but if we know he is omnipotent we will worship with authority. Our worship can never rise above our knowledge of God and faith in him. We have to be totally saturated with revelation of the power and authority invested in us as citizens. Our lifestyle should be a representation of the heavenly kingdom living according to God’s Word and acting according to his power. 


Kingdom worship is our appreciation of the King, His Kingdom and the privileged role we play in it. The revelation we have of the nature of the King and the greatness of his kingdom will be to the extent that we worship him. The ‘Lord’s prayer’ starts off with hallowing his name.

In this manner, therefore, pray Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. (Matthew 6:9-10)                                             

Hallow is an expression of reverence and worship immediately followed with the confession to release his kingdom (will) on earth. There is a connection between worshiping our Father in heaven and the release of heaven on the earth. It’s not unreasonable to suggest that worship releases the kingdom or establishes his kingdom when we worship. Worship is the most common activity of the saints in heaven and those on the earth. Local churches that experience his presence and release of his kingdom on earth will undoubtedly be those who worship. Kingdom worship is simply being sold out to the King and his Kingdom in every area of our lives. It’s when his invisible Kingdom has become more real to us than the physical kingdom in which we live. It’s when we are more aware of him than ourselves, his plans and not ours, his Kingdom and not our own. Kingdom worship is not an act of worship but a Kingdom mentality lifestyle. The modern day church has not prioritized preaching the Kingdom because it has not fully understood or appreciated it. However this is the time for this message to be fully embraced by the church and walk in it until Jesus returns.