The Role & Struggles of Worship Vocalists
Each and everyone of us are God’s unique masterpiece. The vocal challenges we all face individually are unique too.
Worship vocalists are either Lead or Background vocalists. Lead vocalists are the prime leader of the singers and band. The backup vocalists support and harmonize the Lead vocalists and the band. Their role is not easy to master and they often feel detached from the band because their role is largely adaptive, fitting in and filling up space.
1) Insufficient Warmup
When our services are held early in the mornings, it is crucial to do a short and effective vocal warm up before we start singing. The vocal cords is a muscle and without warming up, we could potentially injure it by the end of the day..
2) Over strain own voice
Vocalists frequently use the wrong vocal techniques to sing. Many vocalists often strain and tighten their throats when they wish to sing louder or at a higher pitch. They tend to end up with a sore voice by the end of worship practice or a worship service.
3) Choosing the wrong keys
Lead vocalists who choose to sing in a key that is outside of their vocal range often are ineffective in delivering their full sound of praise of worship. Also, many times, it cause overstrain.
4) Not confident to harmonize
Harmonizing with confidence requires lots of active listening, experimentation, hardwork and supporters. Many vocalists may start out with copying and memorising a harmony line to understand the pattern of harmony.
*Vocalists should be given the permission to ‘fail’ in the short term between they find the right vocal harmony pattern, in the long term.
5) Not able to adapt to uncomfortable keys
Many times, the inability to harmonize cause the female vocals to sing melody at male range, and straining their voice at a range too low or too high.
6) Unable to flow with the band or song, in terms of intensity
Many vocalists lack storyboarding and lack the vocal techniques and support the words that they sing with the appropriate intensity and energy.
7) Sing only in a singular style
Many vocalists lack the sensitivity and experience to flow between styles such as classical and contemporary.
8) Microphone Technique:
Have you ever gotten feedback from your sound technician commenting that your voice is either too soft or loud all of a sudden? This is due to improper microphone techniques.
At Kingdom Music, we are concerned about the overrall health, complete training and confidence of worship vocalists. They are a valuable group to the entire worship team. Let’s help them.